Marxism against Market Socialism addresses the contributions of Marx,Engels,Lenin, Stalin and Mao in combating market socialism and the relevance of their struggle for the 21st Century.
The book critically examines late 20th century developments in China with essays from Wu Bing, Han Deqiang, Apo Leong,Gong Xiantian
The book will contribute to the clarification of the political economy of Socialism which revisionism confused with the political economy of Capitalism in the 20th Century
Part-1 Hodgkins and Thompson
Part-2 John Gray
Part-3 Proudhon
Part-4 Duhring
Part-5 Lenin
Part-6 Lange
Part-7 Voznesenky
Part-8 Stalin
Part-9 Kantrovitch
Part-10 Debate Between Yang Chien-pai and Tsai Chien-hua
Part-11 Mao on the Law of Value
Part-12 Origin of Deng's Reform
Part-13 The Contortion of Marxism
Part-14 Han Deqiang
Part-15 Gong Xiantian
Part-16 The Chinese State & Economy
70 Pages - Price 7 pounds
Where to buy this book
Available at Housemans - London telephone orders contact the shop by phone (020 7837 4473), or e-mail orders@housmans.com.
Bulk Orders of more than 5 copies available from nickglais@yahoo.co.uk
Available at Bookmarks Socialist Bookshop in London 020 7637 1848
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1 comment:
Can it be shipped to Brazil?
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